L’ Agenda des Décideurs




#TECHNOLOGIES – Sécurisez l’accès à vos applications Cloud & Legacy !- By Oracle
Mai 12 @ 11:00 – 12:00

Sécurisez l’accès à vos applications Cloud & Legacy!


  • Quels sont les risques et enjeux de la gestion de l’identité dans le Cloud ?
  •  Comment fédérer et simplifier vos identités on-premise et Cloud ?
  • Comment intégrer vos applications non compatibles avec les protocoles ouverts comme SAML ou OpenID Connect ?
  • Comment sécuriser l’accès à vos applications avec Oracle Identity Cloud Service ?
  • Comment améliorer votre sécurité avec l’authentification adaptative ?
#TECHNOLOGIES – Discover advantages of Kubernetes for a SaaS Solution – By Scaleway
Juil 23 @ 17:30 – 18:30

« Discover advantages of Kubernetes for a SaaS Solution »

Get to know more about Software as a Service (SaaS), the benefits of its distribution model for our customers and our teams.

Together we will see how a Kubernetes-based architecture addresses the issues of companies developing SaaS solutions.

Kubernetes is a technology facilitating container deployment in production environments.

This webinar is accessible to all. Come discover a SaaS typical use-case :

✨ « Discover the advantages of Kubernetes for a SaaS solution »

By Jean-Guillaume Burlet – Brand Evangelist at Scaleway ✨

Discover without further delay the advantages of Kubernetes Kapsule for your SaaS solution. This webinar will also cover the debate « multi-instance v. multi-tenant architecture » debate. At the end of the webinar, you will be able to optimize your choices in order to guarantee the stability, scalability and security of your infrastructures, without putting aside their portability. The customer issues we face in the SaaS realm give us a real field of SaaS expertise that we would like to share with you.  

Finally, we will end this webinar with the traditional Q&A session.

See you soon to learn more about SaaS and Kubernetes!

Scaleway Teams 🚀

#TECHNOLOGIES – We Connect – By Panduit
Oct 14 @ 9:00 – 19:00

We Connect.


Première édition du Forum Digital EMEA de Panduit: We Connect. Participez à ce premièr événement et découvrez les dernières tendances en matière de réseaux et d’infrastructures électriques industrielles. Au cours de 33 présentations en direct et d’une visite virtuelle, des sujets d’actualité tels que « Single Pair Ethernet », « Tendances dans le bâtiment numérique” et “Panorama des solutions électriques industrielles” seront développés. Visitez les stands de Cisco, Signify, Axis, Swegon, Socomec, Fluke et Atlona, et laissez-vous inspirer. Ne manquez pas cette expérience, son hall d’exposition et ses salles de présentations en direct, au cours de laquelle une fonction de ‘chat’ vous est proposée.

#RH – INNOVATIONS – The Human Imperative – By Global Peter Drucker Forum @ Hilton Vienna Park
Nov 18 @ 9:00 – Nov 19 @ 17:30

The Human Imperative 


As exponentially advancing digital technology transforms so much of work and the world, questions inevitably arise about the place of the human being. Some say human roles will be diminished; others insist that the growing possibilities of “data-driven” decisions and actions will call even more for people who can combine science with common sense.

The past years’ experience of global pandemic has thrown such questions into high relief, whether in organizations choosing to invest more heavily in automation or among policymakers implored to simply “follow the science.” We can expect economic, fiscal, cultural, and political crises to escalate in the wake of Covid, and the tension between the technocratic and the humanistic forces to reach a breaking point.

The former see a time of upheaval as an opportune moment to force a large-scale “reset” to a system currently flawed in many ways. The latter reject revolutionary redesign as counter to human nature – which craves, as Peter Drucker put it, a balance between “change and continuity.” Which is the best way forward, and how can we ensure that it prevails?

Leading thinkers at our 2021 Forum will grapple with important questions including but not limited to the following: Must there be a human imperative at the core of organizations? How would we define it? What threatens it most today? How could good management serve it better?

