L’ Agenda des Décideurs




#eMARKETING - LES OUTILS LOW-COST DU DIGITAL  - By Adetem @ CCI de Paris  | Paris | Île-de-France | France
METTRE LES OUTILS LOW-COST DU DIGITAL AU SERVICE DE VOTRE DÉVELOPPEMENT BUSINESS         Trouver de nouveaux clients, fidéliser les clients existants, communiquer, faire connaître son entreprise, autant de challenges à relever au[...]
#INNOVATIONS  - Leade.rs - By Lead.rs /Loïc Lemeur @ Paris | Île-de-France | France
Leaders Impacting The World Changing the world is a tall order. Identifying an idea that can truly have global impact is something all leaders strive to do. What are those ideas? Who is working on[...]