L’ Agenda des Décideurs




#INNOVATIONS – Smart Voice Summit – By Smartly.AI @ BNP Paribas
Fév 1 @ 9:00 – Fév 2 @ 18:00

Smart Voice Summit

Cet événement, qui est le premier de son genre en Europe, va réunir l’écosystème de la technologie vocale pour une durée de deux jours afin de discuter des tendances, des challenges et du futur de l’industrie sous forme de keynotes, de tables rondes, de workshops et d’opportunités de network


9:40 – 10:00
Embracing the Voice Revolution TBC

10:00 – 10:20
The New Normal: How Brands Must Leverage AI and Voice to Stay Relevant and Accessible

What Brands Need to Know About AI and Voice: Voice is the most important consumer communications channel since the web. It will even surpass social in importance. What do brands need to know, why should they care and what are the emerging best practices for leveraging voice to drive consumer engagement.
Bret Kinsella, Voicebot.ai, Editor and Founder

10:20 – 10:50
Round Table: Why every company needs a voice application

Discover why voice applications are essential for your company in 2018
Bradley Metrock, VoiceFirst.FM, CEO | Jess Williams, Life Bot, Co-founder & CEO | Tilmann Böhme, Future of Voice, Founder | Quentin Delaoutre, Consultant, Voice Application Expert

Agenda complet ici